Hail to the king baby!!!! If you have never seen this movie, go rite now, go buy it, watch it, fall in love with it, and enjoy its greatness. This movie is one of my all time favorite movies. So much that if someone were to tell me they hate this movie I'm ready to fight. Everything about this movie is amazing!!! Bruce Campbell is my hero and does a fantastic job in this movie. If you don't know about this movie let me fill ya in, for you are truly deprived. Now you don't have to see Evil Dead one or two to get this movie but it does help. In those two movies Ash finds the book of the dead, which brings evil spirits to life and attacks him and his bud's. Now in the second Evil Dead the evil gets into his had and he chops it off with a chainsaw. That is why Ash doesn't have a rite hand. So anyway at the start of this movie the book of the dead sends Ash back in time to the middle ages. He is then made a slave, and sent to the pit to die. He of course kicks ass and shows those primitive animals what a real man looks like, with a little help from his boom stick, cause he shopped smart, he shopped S Mart. Now the mid evil peeps set him free and like him telling him about the book of the dead and where he can find it, so he can get back to his time. He goes on a little adventure to find it. There are some pretty sweet scenes before the gets to the book, and an evil Ash is even replicated, in which the good Ash kills and chops up. Once he gets to the book of the dead, he kind of doesn't say all of the syllables of the words he is supposed to say to get home. So instead the book brings the army of the dead back to life to take the castle. Ash then rounds up the troops at the castle to fight the dead army, which is lead by the reincarnated evil Ash. The real Ash beats down their miserable bag of bones and is then sent back to his time. This is supposed to be somewhat of a horror movie but overall its just an amazing comedy. I can't say enough good about this movie. It has everything anyone could ever want. It has a she bitch, a boom stick, the army of the dead, two Bruce Campbell's, a mister fancy pants, and an old Buick with a steam engine. See what's not to love!!!!
Rating: 5 Yeti roars out of 5
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