I am a huge horror movie buff and by far Hellraiser is my all time favorite horror movie. Everything in this movie I love, even the now cheesy clay animation of Frank coming back to life, to the stale acting of the father and mother. But by far the best part of this movie are all of Pinhead's amazing lines!!! "No tears my child, it's a waste of good suffering" Awww hell yea, he did just say that shit!! Now if you don't know the premise of this movie let me fill you in. There is this puzzle box, when you open it you can ether go to heaven or hell. Seeing that this is Hellraiser everyone goes to hell. Frank opens the box first and is whisked away to hell to taste all of the good suffering. He escapes hell and is slowly being transformed back into a human form from the blood of others. Frank opened the box in his parents' old house and after he is placed in hell his brother and his family moves into the house. You find out Frank had a little love fling a ling with the wife and she starts bringing him victims. The daughter Kirsty finds the box in the house and when she is brought to hell she convinces the cenobites to send her back, if she gives them Frank. Once she figures out where Frank is she sets up a meeting and when Pinhead comes to get him back, he sends out lots of flying hooks that rip his face into lots of glorious pieces, but before Franks face is given a fit for hell makeover he delivers the best line of the movie.... "Jesus wept". Snap, that just happened. Of course there are seven more movies in this series, but this movie is the one and only true Pinhead.
Rating: 5 yeti roars out of 5
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