It's a sad fact that the only thing modern day American cinema can put out is sequel after sequel. So I'm sure just like me you were ecstatic to see, wait what's that, another fast and furious movie. Actually to be real I enjoyed the first movie a lot, but seeing that they followed that movie up with horrible sequels, I wasn't to impressed to hear about a fast five. Now overall this movie isn't too bad, but its definately not going to win any awards, and if you are going to see it I'm sure your not looking for it to. If you go into this movie with no expectations, then you can get over Paul Walker's horrible acting ( which come on people it sucks, I mean holy shit who gave this a guy a career, I'm pretty sure Ludacris just out acted yo ass, holla) and the lack of a plot and just enjoy the cars going fast, explosions and Brazilian women, then you can actually like this movie. But wait there is one little gem to this movie, The Rock fights Vin Diesel. What!!! I just came in my pants thinking about it again. That's right ladies, you get to see these two steroid shooting hunks go at it!!! I know it is hot. So if you want to be entertained, enjoy some cars and explosions and not have to think, then sit down, buckle up, and watch bad acting in Brazil.
Rating: 3 Yeti roars out of 5
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