Well this is a classic example of an 'ok' movie. I saw it once and now I'm good for the rest of my life. If I never see this movie again I won't feel bad, and if I have to watch it again at anytime then fine, it's not that bad of a movie. The premise is childish, but then again it's a childish movie. Gulliver is a quiet man who works in the mail room at the New York Times. He has a crush on a lady, but is too scared to do anything. He fakes being a traveling writer to impress the lovely lady and ends up getting a writing job in the Bermuda Triangle. He gets caught up in a whirlwind water thing and placed in a world where he is a giant beast man. At first Gulliver is hated, then loved, and then found to be a lie after which he finally grows a pair and saves the day. All of the small movie references in this movie keep my interest and allowed me to have a small chuckle once in a while. So I would say if your bored one night and all of your friends are busy and you're left with the choice between watching another rerun of Jersey shore (which come on Snookie has been passed around and over enough that you don't need to watch her) or crying and self pleasure, then pop in Gulliver's Travel and enjoy the Star Wars jokes.
Rating: 2 Yeti roars out of 5

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