Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Rite

What we have here is another movie about exorcism that is supposedly based on a true story. Now why is it that everytime you watch a movie about exorcism it is based on a true story. Yea I guess it adds to the creepy aspect of the movie, but come on is anyone buying it? I have a hard time believing it, the only way I would believe you that there is a full fledged demon inside of you is if you just ate at Taco Bell, cause let’s be honest after you eat that future toilet explosion it takes over your body like something fierce. Now that little rant brings us full circle to the story of this movie. You see it starts out with Michael, who grew up the son of a mortician. The point is made that everyone in Michael's family grows up to be a mortician or priest, so he sets off to study the art of religion and become a priest. It shoots four years ahead when he has finished his studies and is ready to take his final vows, but he renounces his beliefs and is looking to drop out. The head priest talks to him and convinces him to go to Rome and take an exorcism class. Now did you know that you take a class to become an exorcist, well according to this move it is more than just splashing some holy water and book reading. You have to find out the demon's name, know who really is possessed and who isn't, and some other stuff that's not important. I think that if you turn all crazy, have you head turn fully around and talk in a crazy demon voice you’re probably possessed, or you just watched a Tom Cruise movie and went completely stupid from how bad his movies are. Well anyway Michael goes to Rome and meets Father Lucas played by the one and only Anthony Hopkins, who takes him along with him on his adventures of fighting demons and such. Father Lucas shows Michael the way, who is still all unsure of this religion demon thing, by casting out some demons and showing Michael acts of god. Now I did find this movie to be thought provoking, I myself am very unsure of the whole exorcism belief but it is something to think about. Throughout the movie the two try to help this nice young Roman lady, who even brings them bread the first time you see her in the movie. Which is nice, kind of funny if you think about it, "so yea, I have this demon inside of me, he helped my make this bread for you Father, so enjoy it when your eating your sandwich. Now splash some holy water on me and let’s do this!!!". At least that's what came to my mind when I saw the whole 'thanks for exorcism, here is some bread' scene. Anyway the movie goes on with the 'I believe, I don't believe' story line until Father Lucas himself gets possessed by a demon. Now the rest of the movie Father Lucas is possessed and only has underwear and a robe on like he just doesn't want to get up and face the day. He must be possessed by an 'I hate Mondays' lazy demon. Now it's up to Michael to save him and fight the demon. Overall this movie is good, a definite rent, and one of the better modern day horror suspense movies I have seen. So get out your holy water and crucifix and enjoy watching Anthony Hopkins bitch slap a little girl in his underwear (mind you he was possessed by a demon when he did it so don't hate Anthony for it, hate that bastard demon).
Rating: 31/2 Yeti roars out of 5

1 comment:

  1. Four Yeti roars? I'm definitely gunna check this one out. Specially to see Hopkins in Bitch-slap mode. that sounds wicked sweet!
